A Street, A Scene, An Activity, An Object:

The Tapestry of Thailand

Thailand straddles the line between modernity and tradition, blending local charm with global diversity. This unique blend of inclusivity and warmth embodies the essence of Thailand. Our project captures this essence in a singular space that encapsulates a Thai street, scene, myriad activities, and a quintessential object, offering visitors a glimpse into Thailand's multifaceted culture.

The inspiration for "ONE STREET" comes from the bustling Maeklong Railway Market, where the daily life of vendors rhythmically adapts to the passing trains. This dynamic interplay of opening and closing shop fronts reflects a deep-seated vitality and zest for life, elements we aim to infuse into our space.

At first glance, the exterior may suggest a retail shop, a deliberate choice to foster a sense of openness and inclusivity, countering the stereotype of massage parlors as exclusive to an older demographic. The journey from the retail area to the massage room is designed to be intuitive and engaging, beginning with a welcoming check-in at the front desk. Guests transition from their daily life into a tranquil state by changing into slippers, selecting a body oil, and enjoying a foot bath. This ritualistic path not only guides them but also prepares them for a serene experience, ensuring a sense of familiarity and calm with each visit.

location: Ledigang, Hangzhou, China
area: 350 sqm
client: Tai Oursea
built date: 2021.5