Crafted Citrus Society

Uncle Q's new establishment is nestled in the bustling Shenzhen Coastal City shopping district. As a street-level shop flanked by lively and colorful neighbors, we've crafted a versatile façade that plays with the sun’s rays during the day, filtering light through layers of blue metallic mesh curtains. By night, this space transforms into a speakeasy where patrons indulge in their own enclave of merriment—a serene retreat that hums with the district's vibrancy yet remains a world unto itself, separated only by a wall that dances with shadow and light.

丘大叔新店位于繁华的深圳海岸城商圈,作为街铺,左邻右舍热闹非凡,争奇斗艳,我们用一堵灵活的门墙,使白天的阳光洒在层层叠叠的蓝色金属网帘间,在夜晚又摇身一变hidden bar,人人茶醉,与街道的热闹相同不相通,又只有一墙之隔。

location: Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
area: 65 sqm (excluding the outdoor sitting area) |client: Uncle Q | built date: 2021.12